Showing God’s love to each other and to Beckenham




Welcome to the website of Beckenham Baptist Church!

We’re a family of people who long to know more of God and to reflect his love for us to each other and to the people of Beckenham.

Hello and welcome to the Beckenham Baptist Church website.

We’re a group of people seeking to live faithfully by the way of Jesus Christ in the world today, and to tell of his love in word and action.

We’re not perfect and often make mistakes, but we serve a loving, forgiving God who we long to get to know more and more.

If you’d like to know more about God’s love yourself, then please come and join us – you’ll be very welcome!

Rev Neil Draisey



Sunday Worship

We usually meet twice on a Sunday but currently meet in the mornings only.

10.30am - Family Worship

Our morning worship is the opportunity for our church family to come together and worship using a mixture of modern and more traditional music, with prayer, teaching and reflection.  We have communion on the first and third Sunday of every month.

Please Join Us at These Christmas Services

Our Regular Meetings in December

Chat and Chill (Every Wednesday at 2.30pm)
Prayer Meeting via Zoom (Every Thursday at 7.30pm)
Morning Bible Study Group @10am (17/12 and every other Thursday morning)
Evening Bible Study Group @7pm (10/12 and every other Tuesday evening) 
Table Tennis @4.30pm (Every Saturday during term time only)

Other Key Dates:
01/12/2024: Morning Worship and Communion
06/12/2024: Band of Brothers Xmas Dinner
08/12/2024: Morning Worship (Toy Service)
09/12/2024: Deacons' Meeting 
15/12/2024: Morning Worship and Communion
22/12/2024: Morning Worship
22/12/2024: Carols by Candlelight Service@6.30pm
24/12/2024: Children's Crib Service
25/12/2024: Christmas Morning Service
29/12/2024: Morning Worship


A Catalog of our past online services can be found on YouTube

Visit Us

Opposite Beckenham Spa

Beckenham, Kent BR3 4JB

Registered Charity in England and Wales number 1134116


Would you like to know more about us, or is there something you would like us to pray for?  Please contact us here.


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