
Home Groups

It's really important to us as a church that we don’t just meet once a week then disappear till next Sunday. Even in a medium sized church such as ours it's easy to feel a bit out-of-the-loop and not part of the family if you only attend on a Sunday.

Part of belonging to the Church family is to attend one of our Home Groups. Others call them house groups, small groups or cell groups. I'ts all the same thing really.

Each home group is set up differently. Some meet weekly most weeks of the year, some fortnightly, some are more informal, some more in-depth. It's really a case of dipping your toe into the water and seeing what suits you.

Tuesdays Evenings (7.30pm) at Church on a fortnightly basis - speak to David Short 
Tuesday Afternoons at the home of Diana Scott (weekly)
Thursday Mornings (10.30am) at Church on a fortnightly basis -speak to Neil Draisey


Community Activities

We are situated in the heart of a thriving community and we are dedicated to serving the people we are connected with. A vast number of groups have previously used our premises  regularly and  we have welcomed many people through our doors. Whether it's NCT classes, dancing lessons or the Beckenham Junior Choir, we look forward to seeing you again. 

We also support the work of Living Well and Clothing bank, Christian Aid and Transform Bromley Borough.

bob@bbc (Church men's group)

Band of brothers (bob@bbc) is a fellowship and support network for men , with the aim of building friendships and growing spiritually.

Membership is currently open to men from within the church, in the long term men from other churches in the neighbourhood and friends will be invited too.

The group meets every every six weeks on a Saturday for the duration of one and a half hours. 

During meetings we have discussions & presentations some led by guest speakers, covering a range of topics such as testimonies, charitable work, and talks on men of the Faith taken from the Bible. The meetings also include prayers, and group activities to foster friendships.

Social gatherings between meetings are also planned.


Table Tennis Club

Our Table Tennis Club, usually meets in term time on Saturdays from 4.30pm to 6.30pm. 

All abilities are welcome from age 8 and above – refreshments available.

We have 4 table tennis tables and are looking to expand!

Visit Us

Opposite Beckenham Spa

Beckenham, Kent BR3 4JB

Registered Charity in England and Wales number 1134116


Would you like to know more about us, or is there something you would like us to pray for?  Please contact us here.

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