
Our Sunday morning service is a mixture of modern and traditional music including piano, organ, band and choir.

The service usually lasts about an hour and a quarter.

Sunday Services

Family Worship: 10:30 am

There is children's ministry during the morning service.

Usually, the words to all the songs and responses are displayed on two large screen.

There is also a loop system for those with hearing difficulties.

Holy Communion

This takes place during the first and third Sunday morning services every month.


Currently no collection is made during the service. A bowl is available as you leave, a card reader is also in place for those who wish to donate using their cards. Regular attendees are encouraged to donate via online banking.

Please don’t feel obliged to give anything. If you do wish to give, the money will be used to support the work of this church, with a proportion given to Christian work in the UK and abroad.

After Service Refreshments

We usually serve refreshments after church, it provides a good opportunity to socialise and catch up with each other.

Visit Us

Opposite Beckenham Spa

Beckenham, Kent BR3 4JB

Registered Charity in England and Wales number 1134116


Would you like to know more about us, or is there something you would like us to pray for?  Please contact us here.

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